
Sorry you missed the

 Money Manifesting 

Fit for a 

Masterclass replay - but you can still  

reframe the stories that could be standing in the way of your abundance

at a an early Black Friday Special Price!

The Queen Code 

Meet the Archetypes Deep Dive

When you think of a Queendom, you can recognize the vital supporting roles that keep everything running smoothly when all elements are in alignment. However, it's also apparent that things might not go as smoothly when there's things are out of alignment. 

This is precisely where the Queen Code Archetypes step in.

When we explore the stories unfolding in our lives, we gain a profound clarity. This newfound insight empowers us to pinpoint areas where we can make changes, ultimately ensuring our Queendom runs with grace and efficiency.

This is why it's so essential to dive in and get to know these archetypes!

Are you ready to dive into the world of the Queen Code Archetypes and reframe the stories that could be standing in the way of your abundance?

What you will discover

  • Who are the Archetypes?
    What the Archetypes look like when in and out of alignment
  • How the Archetypes affect your Queendom AKA your life
  • Gift of each Archetype and how they help you
    The important Archetype that might surprise you!

Meet the Archetypes Deep Dive

What's included:

  • In depth Meet the Archetypes workbook
  • Higher Self guided meditation
  • Private Queen Code Facebook Group

Hi I am Laura,

I am the Vice President and CFO of a multi-million dollar a year family business. Before you roll you eyes...that's not where the Magic Money came from! I'm also an Artist, Healer, and Sage. 

Trust me, it's not always been smooth sailing. Not only have I experienced things going up in flames...literally and figuratively....but these are the times that I have been able to lean on what I know works. I walk my talk.

I'm so excited to share this masterclass with you. We will dive deep into the stories we tell ourselves that can keep us stuck, feeling unable to move forward. Learn tangible examples of how reframing your stories can bring clarity and empower you to manifest your dream!

It's time to dust off your crown Queen!
